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The Official Trailer for Hi There Horror Movie Fans--

The Bowman Body Documentary

Available now on DVD!

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Hi There Horror Movie Fans, the documentary about the Bowman Body and his influence on his fans was completed in fall of 2011.  The film is something of a sequel to Virginia Creepers, a documentary on 50 years of TV horror hosts in VA and DC, and came about in large part due to fan demand for more on Bill Bowman, who had only scratched the surface of his career as the Bowman Body in three markets. 


The feature length documentary covers the wild ride of the Bowman Body, including the origins of the show and theme song, college fraternity parties, the infamous basketball incident, midnight visits from unclothed coeds, dangerous props, biker gangs wanting autographs and much more.  The film took three years to complete and features footage from all of Bill's programs plus insight on his career as a broadcaster and radio personality.


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